May is Mental Health Awareness Month
This month NCH2 is promoting getting outside and engaging with nature for mental health awareness and to promote way you are engaging with #Tools2ThriveOutside. Share your hashtags and activities by posting a picture and a brief description and tagging @nch2network on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Don't forget to tag us in your pictures using your #Tools2ThriveOutside using any of these hashtag: #Tools2ThriveOutside, #MHM2022_outside, #MHM2022_NCH2 Mental Health America's theme this year for May is Mental Health Awareness Month is Back to Basics. Check out last year's calendar of daily tips and tools to get outside, click here to take a look. Continue to visit this page throughout May for more events, resources, and information about May as Mental Health Month and NCH2's Tools2ThriveOutside campaign. |
Header Image Photo by Jonas Mohamadi
Week 4 Recommended Activities, Local Events, and Educational Opportunities
Monday, May 23rd
Tuesday, May 24th
Wednesday, May 25th
Thursday, May 26th
Week 3 Recommended Activities, Local Events, and Educational Opportunities
Monday, May 16th
Wednesday, May 18th
Thursday, May 19th
Photo by Mark Stebnick |
Friday, May 20th
Photo by Orione Conceição |
Saturday, May 21th
Sunday, May 22nd
- Why not Rest? Set aside your phone, listen to music, get a solid night’s sleep (7-8 hours) and restore.
Week 2 Recommended Activities, Local Events, and Educational Opportunities
Monday, May 9th
Wednesday, May 11th
Thursday, May 12th
Friday, May 13th
Photo by Magda Ehlers |

Saturday, May 14th
- Fresh food Saturday! Visit your local farmer’s market – local, nutritious food!--or subscribe to a local farm CSA! Here are some links to subscribe to a CSA and to find your local farmers market:
Sunday, May 15th
- Why not Rest? Set aside your phone, listen to music, get a solid night’s sleep (7-8 hours) and restore.
- Restorative Events Happening May 15th
- Brushwood Center at Ryerson Woods: FUSEDChicago Beyond the Surface Exhibition Opening and Rivers Empyrean Strings Concert. Join us at Brushwood Center for this exciting exhibition opening, followed by a free outdoor strings performance of "Rivers Empyrean" by Fifth House Ensemble. The exhibition features work by members of FUSEDChicago, an organization of artists based in the Midwest who share an interest in encaustic, a method of making art using pigmented beeswax and damar resin (crystalized tree sap). After enjoying the art, experience the concert! "Rivers Empyrean" traces the life cycle of water from its metaphorical descent from the heavens as rain, to its long journey in streams and rivers informed by conservation experts and ecologists. For more information and registration, click here.
- Chicago Botanic Garden: Spring in the Woods Walk. Enjoy spring’s beauty in McDonald Woods—from delicate wildflowers and budding trees to the sounds of birdsong. Get involved with our community science program, Budburst, and observe flowers blooming and new leaves growing. Find out how to be part of our new EcoQuest monthly challenges and how to submit observations with our mobile app. Then set out on self-guided walk in McDonald Woods. (A short trail loop is about 1/3 mile; the longer trail loop is about 2/3 mile.) We’ll have one guided woods walk, lasting approximately 45 minutes, at 1 p.m. Dress for the weather. If there is heavy, persistent rain, the program will be cancelled. Free; regular parking and admission fees apply. Meet at McDonald Woods Shelter. For more information, click here.
Week 1 Recommended Activities, Local Events, and Educational Opportunities
Monday, March 2nd

Tuesday, March 3rd
- Back to basics for your mental health— this bullfrog enjoys a sit in the gentle rain. Noticing nature and talking a walk in the rain with or without an umbrella helps clear the mind. Today is a good day for it!
Wednesday, March 4th
Thursday, March 5th
Photo by Diego Madrigal |
Friday, March 6th

Saturday, March 7th
- “Really good nutrition” does wonders for your brain and mental health. Visit your local farmer’s market – local, nutritious food!--or subscribe to a local farm CSA! Here are some links to subscribe to a CSA and to find your local farmers market:
- Events happening March 7th
- The Conservation Foundation: Forest Therapy Walk at Knoch Knolls Greenway. 9:30 am - 11:30 am. Immerse yourself in nature and experience the healing effects of forest therapy or Shinrin-Yoki (Japanese for forest bathing). Reconnect with nature during these mindful walks with a certified Forest Therapy guide. This year’s walks cost $20/person. The walk is held entirely outdoors. Be prepared to walk over uneven terrain. Wear comfortable clothing and walking shoes. Meets at the stone circle/ledge south of the parking lot and in front of the bridge. For more information and registration, click here.
Sunday, March 8th
- Day of Rest, Set aside your phone, listen to music, get a solid night’s sleep (7-8 hours) and restore.