Newsletter from Tuesday, February 7th, 2023
Dear NCH2 Community,
We would love to see you next Friday, February 10th at 2:00 for our first 2023 NCH2 Meetup (register HERE). Hot chocolate and tea will follow a walk outside in Thatcher Woods with Adam Kessel, Director, Trailside Museum, Forest Preserves District of Cook County (FPDCC). Thatcher Woods is considered one of the few “high-quality floodplain forests” in Cook County, adjacent to the Des Plaines River. Trailside was the first headquarters of the FPDCC in the early 20th Century. NCH2 is honored to have Adam’s expertise on this walk. Now, if it is sleeting or bitterly cold, we will have more time to network and nature-based activities.
We will also answer any questions or talk through ideas you have about the NCH2 Catalyst Seed Grant RFP. The Catalyst Seed Grant RFP is open – all applications are due February 21st, 5:00 p.m. Send us your ideas and how specifically they reflect our Triple Aim Values --community health, caring for the land, and equity—and the community engagement process. For more specific requirements, visit our seed grants page and view the recording of our Webinar on January 23rd.
We will also answer any questions or talk through ideas you have about the NCH2 Catalyst Seed Grant RFP. The Catalyst Seed Grant RFP is open – all applications are due February 21st, 5:00 p.m. Send us your ideas and how specifically they reflect our Triple Aim Values --community health, caring for the land, and equity—and the community engagement process. For more specific requirements, visit our seed grants page and view the recording of our Webinar on January 23rd.
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Community Spotlight
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Community Spotlight
Friends of the Parks Encourages Walking Communities in Chicago Parks-Starting February 11th
Continuing a tradition established a few years ago, Friends of the Parks (FOTP) is encouraging Chicagoans to join them on monthly walks in Chicago Parks. In a recent newsletter Juanita Irizarry, Executive Director, notes that the original intent of the walks was physical fitness and community-building as well as offering the chance "to observe and learn about conditions and issues in parks”.
The new monthly walks will continue in this spirit—a chance to move in Chicago parks the second Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. starting in February at Humboldt Park by the boathouse where parking is available. Humboldt park is also accessible via public transportation, bike paths, and scooter! FOTP encourages anyone to email your interest in joining just to make sure you meet up and to know if anything changes at [email protected]rg.
The new monthly walks will continue in this spirit—a chance to move in Chicago parks the second Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. starting in February at Humboldt Park by the boathouse where parking is available. Humboldt park is also accessible via public transportation, bike paths, and scooter! FOTP encourages anyone to email your interest in joining just to make sure you meet up and to know if anything changes at [email protected]rg.
Upcoming Events
Midwest BDC Climate Justice 101
Date: February 16th, 2023 Time: 2:30 CT Location: Online webinar We talk a lot about Climate Justice – but how do we really put it into practice? This training will dive into the nuts and bolts of understanding the movement, policy efforts, and practical steps to achieve justice. Join us to learn and reflect on some of the core principles of our movement. Facilitated by Marnese Jackson, Co-Director of the Midwest Building Decarbonization Coalition. Feel free to re-orient yourself with the 10 Principles for Just Climate Change Policies in the U.S. ahead of this meeting. Register here |
Indoor Farmers Markets
Do you miss all the delicious jams, baked goods, and crafts available at Evanston's summer farmer's markets? Check out the local vendors at the Ecology Center Indoor Farmer's Market! The Ecology Center will be hosting ten market days between January and April of 2023. Winter markets will be held on alternate Saturdays from 8am to 12pm. Park in the McCormick parking lot and head on over. Winter Dates February 11th, 8am-12pm February 25th, 8am-12pm Click here for more information. |
Out In Nature: Bald Eagles are my Boyfriend
Date: February 12th Time: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Location: Starved Rock State Park Say hello to our national bird at this Out In Nature trip down to Starved Rock State Park! We're in peak Bald Eagle migration right now, so join them for a trip out of the city to see these beautiful birds! Roughly a 90-minute drive out of Chicago, Starved Rock State Park goes along the Illinois River with incredible views of both the landscape, the waterfalls, and the majestic eagles. The Out in Nature team will be on site from 10am-1pm, but you can stay longer if you'd like! Click here for more information and to reserve a spot. |
Building Health, Wellness, and Mindful Nature Programming Workshop
Date: Feb 8th, Feb 15th, and Feb 22nd, 2023 Time: 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM Location: Kane County (exact locations to be announced in early January) This three half-day workshop series by DuPage Nature Rx Coalition dives deep into opportunities to build health, wellness, and mindfulness nature programming at local parks, forest preserves, and open spaces. The training will include an overview of the health benefits from spending time in nature along with various mental health, physical health, and mindfulness programming options. This workshop is intended for park district, open space district, and forest preserve staff, leadership, and volunteers looking to expand their impact through outdoor health and wellness partnerships and programs. Learn more here. |
The Calling Frog Survey: Frog Monitor Training
Date: February 2nd, 4th, 8th, & 11th, 2023
Location: Virtual
In the 1960’s, the cricket frog was the most common amphibian in Illinois. Today, it has nearly disappeared from the northern third of Illinois, for unexplained reasons. By monitoring amphibian populations in the Chicago region, the Chicago Academy of Sciences will be able to detect population changes before it is too late as well as assess the effects of management regimes on amphibians. In 2000, Chicago Wilderness initiated a calling frog survey as part of its amphibian biodiversity recovery plan. In 2014, the Chicago Academy of Sciences and its Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum became home to the Calling Frog Survey. Educated volunteers collect and submit data each spring. Apply and attend a training workshop to begin volunteering as a frog monitor!
Learn more here.
Date: February 2nd, 4th, 8th, & 11th, 2023
Location: Virtual
In the 1960’s, the cricket frog was the most common amphibian in Illinois. Today, it has nearly disappeared from the northern third of Illinois, for unexplained reasons. By monitoring amphibian populations in the Chicago region, the Chicago Academy of Sciences will be able to detect population changes before it is too late as well as assess the effects of management regimes on amphibians. In 2000, Chicago Wilderness initiated a calling frog survey as part of its amphibian biodiversity recovery plan. In 2014, the Chicago Academy of Sciences and its Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum became home to the Calling Frog Survey. Educated volunteers collect and submit data each spring. Apply and attend a training workshop to begin volunteering as a frog monitor!
Learn more here.
Douglas C. Anderson Bird Conservation Mini-Grant
Chicago Ornithological Society (COS) is proud to offer annual mini-grants to local educators and organizations working on youth driven community projects furthering bird conservation, education, and advocacy. Proposals must demonstrate a project designed to engage youth in taking action for birds in their community. Proposed projects should advance the COS mission of appreciation and/or conservation of birds in the Chicago region. Example projects may include but are not limited to: research, data collection, planting or habitat improvement, construction of nest boxes, art installations, educational materials or signage (physical and/or digital), or a short film about birds. While most projects fall within the scope of this list, creative projects of a different nature than those listed that still accomplish COS’s mission will be considered equally. Application and more information here. |
Morton Arboretum and Chicago Region Trees Initiative Discussion on Trees and Drought
Date: February 16th Professional Tree Manager Listening Session: 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM Time: Resident and Property Owner Listening Session: 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM (Register here.) Professional Tree Manager Listening Session: 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM Register here.) The Morton Arboretum and Chicago Region Trees Initiative (CRTI) invite you to join them for a discussion around trees and drought! Do you own or care for trees? They want to hear from you about how severe weather and drought impact your tree selection and care habits. They would love for you to join them for one of two listening sessions to hear more about your trees! Two virtual sessions are available. Please consider taking our professional tree manager survey, or resident/property owner survey! These surveys will help inform the engagement meetings. |
CRTI Annual Partner Recognition Celebration: ‘Hot Topics and Urban Trees: Resiliency in the Face of Urban Heat Island and Climate Change’
Date: February 9, 2023 Time: 6-9 p.m. Location: The Morton Arboretum Visitor Center Temperatures are on the rise, but the residents of the Chicago region won’t burn without a fight. Join us in learning about the urgent challenges of Climate Change and Urban Heat Island Effect from esteemed Keynote speakers, Dr. Vivek Shandas and Tanner Yess and a wonderful panel of local experts, including Raed Mansour from the City of Chicago, Dr. Ashish Sharma from Argonne National Laboratory, and Mayor Kevin Burn from the Village of Geneva. Celebrate local urban forestry heroes who work tirelessly to tackle these challenges in their own communities. This event is free, but registration is required. Learn more here. |
Reconnect with Nature--Single and Ready to Mingle Night Hike
Date: February 10 Time: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Location: Messenger Woods Nature Preserve Ages: 21+ Calling all single pals and gals! Step out of your comfort zone and join a naturalist for a singles Valentine’s night hike. The hike will be held at one of our oldest preserves — Messenger Woods. Hike through the enchanted forest along a lantern-lit trail. Bring your own adult beverage to sip and enjoy while mingling after hiking (beer and wine only, please). Enjoy the fire while making s’mores, and you never know — love may be in the air! Register here by Feb 9. |
Future Events: Save the Date
Nature Express Bus: Free Transportation to the Forest Preserves
Is your community group or nonprofit organization interested in visiting the Forest Preserves of Cook County? Have you been limited by the cost of transportation? The Nature Express Bus program can help your group access Forest Preserves events and amenities, or visit their partner organizations, the Chicago Botanic Garden and the Brookfield Zoo. Best of all, it's free. To qualify, your group must have a minimum of 25 participants and demonstrate a need for transportation funding. In order to provide equal access, groups are limited to one free bus per calendar year. Learn more here. |
Tree Ambassador Training
Date: February 15th, 2023 Time: 1:00 - 4:00 PM Location: Masjid Al Farooq, 8950 S Stony Island Ave Chicago IL 60617 Do you want to plant a Sadaqah jariyah? Or, do you want to serve the ummah by taking care of trees? Join us at the Tree Ambassador Training. The trainers are a team from Chicago Region Tree Initiative Morton Arboretum led by Airis Cervantes. The opening and closing remarks and Dua by CMGT President Mohammed Faheem. Learn more here. |
Cross-country skiing
After a snowfall, the Forest Preserve's trails are not cleared so they become ideal for cross-country skiing. When cross-country skiing, please be aware of other trail users, and exercise proper judgment for the safety of everyone.
Visit the Will County Forest Preserve's website for additional information and regulations.
After a snowfall, the Forest Preserve's trails are not cleared so they become ideal for cross-country skiing. When cross-country skiing, please be aware of other trail users, and exercise proper judgment for the safety of everyone.
Visit the Will County Forest Preserve's website for additional information and regulations.
Job Opportunities
Cool Learning Experience is looking for a Deputy Director. Learn more here.
The Field Museum is searching for a Senior Director. Learn more here.
Elevate is looking to fill several positions. Look through their career opportunities here.
Lake County Forest Preserves is looking to fill several positions. Learn more here.
Equiticity is looking to fill several positions. Look through their career opportunities. here.
Please send us your job openings to be featured!
The Field Museum is searching for a Senior Director. Learn more here.
Elevate is looking to fill several positions. Look through their career opportunities here.
Lake County Forest Preserves is looking to fill several positions. Learn more here.
Equiticity is looking to fill several positions. Look through their career opportunities. here.
Please send us your job openings to be featured!
In the News
The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago Environmental Justice Policy
In accordance with the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Act (“MWRD Act”) and to advance the District’s Strategic Plan, the District hereby adopts an Environmental Justice Policy. The objective of this policy is to integrate environmental justice considerations into all District programs, policies, and activities to the extent practicable and permitted by law. For purposes of this policy, the District adopts the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s definition of environmental justice. Environmental Justice (“EJ”) is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implementation and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. Read the full document here. |
Winter in the Preserves: There's still plenty to do!
Winter in Chicagoland is typically considered a time for staying cozy inside and drinking a hot cocoa. If families are thinking about the Forest Preserves of Cook County, it’s often reminiscing warmly about (or looking forward to) adventures during the balmier seasons. But when you and yours are in the mood for some fresh air and get away from the built environment, the preserves have plenty of fun, educational and contemplative activities to offer. Check out some ideas for how to enjoy nature in the winter months! |
Lowered Hospitalizations for Dementia in Greener Areas
A recent study found that older adults living in areas with more green space had lower rates of hospitalization for certain types of dementia, including those for Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Writing last week in the Washington Post, Meeri Kim, reported that in a study of nearly 62 million Medicare beneficiaries, those living in a Zip code with more green space had lowered rates of hospitalizations Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias such as vascular dementia and Lewy body dementia. The findings were published by JAMA Network Open in December. The study assessed the amount of green space, blue space and park cover in each Zip code. Kim noted that proximity to common green spaces can encourage physical activity and provide opportunities for social interaction. Proximity to forests, parks and other green outdoor common spaces can also encourage physical activity and provide opportunities to connect with other people. Further, such green spaces are also quieter and less polluted. Read more here. |
Yale Honors Girl for Efforts at Lanternfly Eradication
With a mix of dish soap and water and a bit of apple cider vinegar, 9-year-old Bobbie Wilson went around her neighborhood to eradicate lanternflies, an invasive species that plagues her Caldwell, N.J., hometown and many other places in New Jersey. A neighbor called police to report this “suspicious activity.” Maya King wrote in the New York Times last week about Bobbi and her efforts, the questioning by local police, and her subsequent honor from Yale University. King wrote that Bobbi’s mother, Monique Joseph, a real estate agent, wanted the incident to be a teachable moment. … “This same call could’ve happened in another state with another police officer, and I would be grieving.” Bobbi’s eradication efforts also drew the attention of Yale University, where a ceremony on Jan. 20 recognized what she had done and added more than two dozen of her lanternflies to the Peabody Museum’s collection. Read more here. |
"Loving Winter at the Chicago Botanic Garden
“We love winter. There, we said it,” reads a recent newsletter, offering four reasons to visit the Chicago Botanic garden: 1: Feel the Love: Bring a burst of color to your Valentine’s Day at the Orchid Show. February 11 to March 26; Daily, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. 2: Get cozy with a rare book from the Garden’s Lenhardt Library, which has a significant Rare Book Collection of historic botanical works. 3: Rabbits are often associated with fertility and rebirth, so we’re hoping 2023 will be a good year for plants and gardeners alike. 4: Kick the blues by taking a winter walk. “The Norwegians call it friluftsliv: Enjoying the outdoors, no matter the weather." |
Connect with Us!
We are taking requests for any upcoming events to be added to future newsletters and our events calendar which can be done here. You can also submit materials for the next newsletter by emailing [email protected].
FOLLOW US on our social media by clicking the icons below!
CREATE your own stories on Instagram and tag @NCH2Network so we can share how you engage with nature; we would love to see them!
EMAIL US and keep us updated on local events, exciting opportunities in the area, or send photos of local nature to be featured on the website.
CONTACT US at [email protected].
We are taking requests for any upcoming events to be added to future newsletters and our events calendar which can be done here. You can also submit materials for the next newsletter by emailing [email protected].
FOLLOW US on our social media by clicking the icons below!
CREATE your own stories on Instagram and tag @NCH2Network so we can share how you engage with nature; we would love to see them!
EMAIL US and keep us updated on local events, exciting opportunities in the area, or send photos of local nature to be featured on the website.
CONTACT US at [email protected].