November 2018 Coffee & Discussion Minutes
Topic: Networking within NCH2
Location: Brushwood Center
Location: Brushwood Center
- Topic: Kids in schools don't get outside enough
- Anne Reichel brought up No Child Left Behind, and the forced emphasis on test preparation over everything else
- Increased stress levels, less time outdoors
- Sally Peterson: Schools are given heavy mandates, so many tests there's almost no time for test prep
- Idea of creating "school" in a nature/forest preserve, CBG
- Some exist, but are primarily pre-schools, not pursued past pre-school
- How do we build a charter school that looks like this?
- Idea of creating "school" in a nature/forest preserve, CBG
- Kay Knight brought up the issue of equity-- these schools are expensive and inaccessible to many
- Research shows going outside improves test scores
- Anne Reichel brought up No Child Left Behind, and the forced emphasis on test preparation over everything else
- Topic: Nature can improve focus and test scores
- Sally mentioned a first-grade teacher her children had that would take kids on walks during class in conjunction w/ test prep and the usual rigorous schoolwork
- Christy Thomson brought up EFT as a solution in schools, but why not just take kids outside?
- Some children get anxiety over doing EFT correctly, providing kids a skillset of finding peace outside could be more beneficial? (see for information about EFT)
- Topic: Bringing nature into the classroom
- Mike Levin remembered his kids being very anxious about gym class, why not a green alternative?
- A gardening class, or something nature related
- If we're dealing with limited resources, kids suffering from anxiety could thrive in this simple nature programs, giving kids an alternative can make a big impact
- Sally: Social worker in Waukegan allowed gardens, used them both as a behavioral consequence (pull weeds) and as a reward or intervention, worked really well
- Change in administration has pulled the program
- State standards in PE have to be met, but could easily be worked in to alternative curriculum
- Jaime Plotkin points out that nature can also be brought inside, sensory and tactile pieces of nature are easily done indoors
- Group called Ag in A Classroom, do presentations in 4th grade classrooms about IL ag, appreciation of basic crops and growing practices, dial into the appreciation of nature as well as the experience
- Terry pointed out that for sites in the inner city, where safety is a concern, indoor nature play, rooftop gardens, etc. can be crucial
- Christy emphasized the importance of focusing on the sensory
- Brain is always going to tell kids information but they don't always respond to these thoughts, may respond more to sensory experiences and impulses
- Terry: one of the best ways to get adults to appreciate nature is to invite them to look at it and find things they appreciate
- Art element is important
- Some older kids get more caught up in whether or not they are "good" at art, younger kids run with it
- Lorra Rudman: using language is very important, words like "should" turn kids off from tasks
- On the topic of empowerment, offering a choice gives a child "skin in the game", feel like they made the decision
- Adults often censor their children with art as well, Lorra remembered working with kids in artistic settings and watching parents control their creative outputs
- Mike Levin remembered his kids being very anxious about gym class, why not a green alternative?
- Topic: Grant Proposals
- Catherine Game: Blue Cross Blue Shield grant that is coming up, would people be interested in working on a project surrounding youth and engaging the outdoors?
- Existing models of engaging people w/ outdoors:
- Park Rx (Dr. Robert Zar), app that allows physicians to prescribe time in nature to patients and map out natural areas near them
- Terry is on the board for Park Rx America, has worked on trying to build partners, said maps are as good as what you put in, safe zones can be outlined in the app and improved
- Trying to bring Park Rx to Chicago, anyone interested in participating should let Terry know
- Lake County Nature Rx hosts walks in forest preserves w/ a pediatrician
- Walks with Docs is a more national version
- Terry suggested attempting to replicate project studying park prescriptions for kids and parents, we could link with North Shore Hospital or Lake Forest College, LC Health Dept.
- Sally mentioned United Way website could be helpful to increase participation
- BCBS Grant Next Steps: set up an initial conversation with anyone interested, then set up a call with BC to see about interest and funding levels
- Topic: NCH2 Structure
- Lorra Rudman asked if we have a formalized method of accessing contact list of NCH2, and asked about the general structure of NCH2
- Also suggested that a form could be developed and distributed that would catalogue what groups and interests/expertise everyone is tapped into?
- Terry: NCH2 is organized by a steering committee, originally planned on having focus groups on different topics, but had trouble getting more people to come out and do things
- Networking/coffee approach is being used to find out who is really interested/committed to doing something on a regular basis
- Perhaps creating a website to help people connect to us would be good, linked from NW and CBG but a separate and independent entity
- There are people all over the country working on these things, how can NCH2 pool resources for what's in Chicago and link it to a more national group?
- NCH2 is not formally recognized yet, question was posed as to whether NCH2 should be a 501©(3), or are there enough?
- Group agreed that we need to coordinate and form an umbrella, for sure, but non-profit status not necessarily required
- Additional question posed: when applying for grants, do we want to approach as individual organizations or as NCH2?
- Laura: We need to incorporate more diverse groups to round out the organization
- Group agrees, suggestion to reach out to other groups and bring them on board
- If anyone knows people who are interested in joining, they should contact Terry so she can loop them into our listserv and updates
- Catherine: we are stronger as a collective, which each participating org contributes to and benefits from
- Anyone with interest pursuing any of the things talked about should reach out to Catherine/Terry and they can find a way to move forward
- Sally mentioned talking about our group to other professional organizations she's connected with, asked if NCH2 has a speaker's bureau
- Who would be interested in visiting different groups to talk about our cause?
- Terry mentioned people at the symposium from Bronzeville wanted to know if an expert panel could come to their neighborhood and talk to people
- Lorra mentioned a community org on the West Side (Off the Street Club)
- Christy brought up YMCA as a good method of outreach
- Laura suggests the creation of a speaker presentation that includes sensory elements (sounds, touch table, etc.)
- Christy has resources for this
- Lorra Rudman asked if we have a formalized method of accessing contact list of NCH2, and asked about the general structure of NCH2
- Next location/meeting will be determined, FPCC hosting?